Photo by Melody

Ferns, Mushrooms, Fungi and Mosses: Encourage Moss growth/discourage grass growth, 1 by Shadyfolks

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Forum: Ferns, Mushrooms, Fungi and Mosses

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Photo of Encourage Moss growth/discourage grass growth
Shadyfolks wrote:
Hi Dick
Yes, we use the path, but do not run the wheel barrow over it any more, we made another path for that. Years ago I started to blow the paths clean because I didn't want slime and slippery leaves on it when walking on it. Within a few years the moss grew and overtime it has become thick and lush. This area of our property sits low, there is a creek about 20 feet to the right of the path, so there is constant humidity and the moss is very happy. We will blow it off whenever it needs to be cleaned of debris. Our dog and the neighbor's dog can tear it up and we can have divots of moss all over the place. I just put them back down and step on them with my heel.

We had three areas that skunk or something tore the moss up, over and over again this summer, The damaged areas were so large, you just couldn't keep up with it, night after night. Even my neighbor was trying to fix it when she saw it, but gave up, LOL! I finally decided that I will let mother nature take its course and we shall see how it comes through winter once the the weight of the snow packs it back down. I am hoping for the best...time will fix it I figure.

Here's a picture of one area I was describing above. It's like the critter knotted up the moss in little balls and you could not lay it back down flat. If you straightened up an area the next day it looked like this can see why I gave up. I am sure the moss will be patchy, but in another year it'll be fine.