Photo by Melody

Weather: January's Daily Weather, Glešilegt nżtt įr! Happy New Year!, 1 by Lilypon

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Image Copyright Lilypon

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Photo of January's Daily Weather, Gleðilegt nýtt ár! Happy New Year!
Lilypon wrote:
LOLOL I wish it just showed altitude. ;) However one of the many wonders of Dave's is I find I tend to get the Atlas or Google Earth now out just to narrow down where different members live. :)

Blooms you've almost gots more than my location! Have you noticed it's the places that normally get very little that are getting it now?

Now who would believe this was in Southern Saskatchewan? Ü

The highest spot (1392 metres or 4567 ft. above sea level) is in the Cypress Hills in the southwest corner of the province. The Cypress Hills are the highest point in Canada between the Rocky Mountains & Labrador.

Cypress Hills has always been a lush retreat, rich in wildlife. For at least 7,000 years, nomadic Plains Indians wintered here because the hills were an excellent source of food, fuel, furs and building materials – lodgepole pines made excellent travois, teepee poles and, as their name implies, lodges. An additional attraction for the Indians was the Chinook breeze from the west, which made for a much milder winter than the one experienced on the Great Plains below. except this is much colder and it has SNOW!!!!!