Photo by Melody

Japanese Maples: Why do variegated leaves curl?, 1 by doss

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In reply to: Why do variegated leaves curl?

Forum: Japanese Maples

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Photo of Why do variegated leaves curl?
doss wrote:
Interesting suggestion. Isn't this new foliage? This is just some musing about it.

This is a photo of my Butterfly foliage and it doesn't curl even when it's burnt.

There are also trees that genetically curl.

See 'Green Trompengerg' (not variegated)

'Kurui Jishi' (not variegated)
‘Higasa yama’ (variegated)
Ogon sarasa (not variegated)

But if it's just one leaf and such a new one then it may just be a fluke. It will be interesting to find out what it looks like later in the season.