Photo by Melody

Shade Gardening: Is there a shade-loving short groundcover?, 1 by Shadyfolks

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Image Copyright Shadyfolks

In reply to: Is there a shade-loving short groundcover?

Forum: Shade Gardening

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Photo of Is there a shade-loving short groundcover?
Shadyfolks wrote:
I can appreciate your dilema, much of our property is covered in Ivy and there are times I will try and make as much noise as I can walking through it, because I do not like snakes.
There are some great suggestions being made here. New Zealand Brass Buttons 'Platt's Black' (Leptinella squalida) was mentioned, It's not a fern but looks a lot like one. mine is only 1" tall. This is VERY cool plant, it will get folks attention and does spread, doesn't like to dry out, I think there might be a variety that is more green instead of brown and if happy spread would be a great spreader. Unless you can find a good deal it might be expensive to cover large area but snakes would not be able to hide in it. I don't know how tuff it would be for kids to play on.
Another favorite very low growing ground cover of mine is Euonymus Fortunei 'Kewensis' which reminds me of Patridgeberry (Mitchella repens) but doen't have berry's. Again unless you can find a deal it might be expensive. Here is a picture I just ran out and took picture. I like the look of it, but as you can see it is not a dense cover. This patch is 2 years old and 1-2" tall.

I would have to agree though I think Ajuga would be a good choice. There are so many varieties out there now a days. It is tough, will tolerate dry & kids, and hey will spread like a weed! 'Chocolate chip is a finer leaf variety and a patch of it puts on a beautiful display when blooming, but don't most ajuga. I found some of this variety last year, I purchased three pots and divided each pot into three and planted them and they filled in in just one season.

Sounds like you can put a variety of ground covers in your three areas, how fun for you! You will have to let us know what you decided on.