Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Sorbus sorbifolia, 1 by ViburnumValley

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Image Copyright ViburnumValley

In reply to: Sorbus sorbifolia

Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of Sorbus sorbifolia
ViburnumValley wrote:
OK, the mid-Atlantic states are ganging up now. Gotta stretch; it's early. Speaking of: rcn, you must be a nurseryperson or you're up milking cows.

Dimes to doughnuts (one of my youthful jobs), that's a....wait, let's see if anyone else will chime in first.

Those elongated droopy leaves and big fat buds with a lot of color in them are good clues. The whole plant should be kind of leggy with more leaves and branching near the top/tips, and having quite a vase-shape overall. Absolutely outstanding fall fruit display, which holds well into winter if bird populations have other food sources. And that's a fine picture; someday I'll learn the split-screen action. Now, get some winter full body shots (and maybe a bud detail or two).

Here's a photo of dormant winter buds on what I believe is the same species.