Photo by Melody
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Wildlife: any wildlife rehabbers out there?, 1 by Janett_D

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Image Copyright Janett_D

In reply to: any wildlife rehabbers out there?

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Photo of any wildlife rehabbers out there?
Janett_D wrote:
Oh sorry forgot to give you a big welcome when I directed you here. I don't have any training to rescue animals as you have, but I do my best using common sense and make some phone calls to get as much info as possible when I do get in the situation that a animal needs help.
I have raised two Magpies and released them. the nest was tared down by some kids that got the order from their parents to do it just because the Magpies disturbed their morning sleep. when I got there, four cats was trying to get to the Magpies and the parents was desperately trying to defend their kids. But because the nest was gone I had nowhere to put the kids and the parents couldn't hold off the cats much longer. I called the zoo for help with feeding advise and the birds made it back to the wild again.
I have also brought up a seagull that where abandon by parents because it had fallen down from the roof it was born on. its easy but dangerous to check if they are abandoned. I know that one man lost his eye because he got to close unaware that they had a nest there. just stand close to the kid and if you don't get to seagulls attacking your head within 10min its abandoned. I stayed for over an hour just to be on the safe side. I put him in my pocket and went home. I did learn him how to feed in the wild by taking him outside as many times I could and he was hunting bumblebees and ate worms and things and then I knew he would make it (simplified explaining) I also had him hunting for food in the kitchen zink and when I finally releast him in a neerby lake the first thing he did was to hunt the small fishes in the lake.