Photo by Melody
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African Violets and Gesneriads: Basement babies, 1 by critterologist

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In reply to: Basement babies

Forum: African Violets and Gesneriads

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Photo of Basement babies
critterologist wrote:
"What are the potted (bigger) plants in the exteme lower-right of Picture #4? "

Hmmm.. Without trouping down to the basement to check name tags, I think the one in the center of the right edge of the photo is 'Rob's Whiz Bang' and the one with the large girl leaves is probably the big sucker I took from my new 'Kingwood Blue'. It looks like 'Rob's Whiz Bang' is finally going to bloom... check out its "grown up picture" at's_whiz_bang.htm I'll have to put a couple more leaves down, as I noticed the pair I've potted up seem to be struggling.

"-And Top-left plantlets of Picture #5?"

Kenton, you have a good eye! I was going to mention those plantlets (also from suckers) of 'Midget Gumdrop' because they have such cool mosaic variegation, but I thought, oh, it's too hard to see them back there!

Here's a photo of 'Midget Gumdrop' with all the suckers still crammed into the pot.... wonderful foliage!
It's bloom is a "double dark pink" so I guess you don't want it, Kenton... no more pink AVs for you, right? ;-)