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Florida Gardening: S FL Galloping Gardners 9/24/05, 1 by artcons

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Image Copyright artcons

In reply to: S FL Galloping Gardners 9/24/05

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Photo of S FL Galloping Gardners 9/24/05
artcons wrote:
Hi Val, I'll take the passionflower, if no one else claims it. On the night blooming jasmine, I have had them for years. After you take the cuttings you need, you can cut the bush back to just about where it begins to branch out, leaving just the main (should be small) trunk.
It can be safely dug up in this condition and replanted, but quickly. On Wednesday, i'll bring along a large pot for Molly to transplant it into. When she gets to gainsville she can put it into the ground. I have moved mine several times over the years and it's not a problem.

On the wild poinsetta, the plants that are beginning to turn are those planted in the yard, not the one I have in a pot, even though the one in the pot is much more mature.

I'll bring along strongbark seeds (berries) for anyone wanting them.

I found where I can get Bahama Berry Nashia inaguensis and hope to have one in my possession by the end of this week. I have been looking to buy this plant since I found out it is the favorite nectar plant for the Atala butterfly. I have been trying to attract this butterfly to my yard since the spring.

I was up earlier than usual this morning, about 3:30 am. I went out to the patio with my first cup of coffee. The paper wasn't here yet so I just wandered around the pool looking at my plants planted there. To my surprise I saw a IO Moth. It was just where it was supposed to be, on my hibiscus bushes. It lays eggs on three (that I know of) hibiscus bushes. The picture attached is not mine. If I had my camera and I was able to take a picture of one, it would not come out good anyway due to my having to use a flash. It seems when I use a flash on butterflies or moths their colors are not even close to true. This is only the second one I have seen.
