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Propagation: The Game Picks Up Speed, 1 by Weezingreens

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Forum: Propagation

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Weezingreens wrote:
Maineroses, are you buying a greenhouse to grow plants for yourself or to sell them, as well? When my husband built my little greenhouse, I was growing plants for our garden club sale, but we had no idea things would progress to selling commercially. We got the original plans from the Cooperative extension, but modified the dimensions.

I like the barn style because the the slanting afford strength for the winter snow load, and in the spring, when the sun comes in at a slant here, I can put plants on a lower shelf and still get sun on them. As you can see from this picture, I have a counter full of flats on each side, as well as a lower shelf on each side. It isn't very visible from this photo, but there is also a shelf overhead on each side. I also can put about 20 to 24 hanging baskets in there. All of this is in a pretty small greenhouse.

Gemini, this propagation thing is contageous and once you get the disease, it's progressive! The little greenhouse has been a big help in getting all this started, and it is my hope that we'll get the bigger greenhouse set up for heat, as well, so I don't have to squeeze so many plants in such a small space!

Oceangirl, it must be nice to know all that work has an end on the horizon! By mid-May, I'm full-tilt boogie getting ready to open by Memorial Day. All the tables will be out, and I'll be making picture tags for the flats. My DH and a helper will be setting up the tent, and I will be covered in potting soil every night when I climb into that old claw foot bathtub!

Lizh, I admire anyone who grows plants from seed. I think I got involved in selling plants because I was too kind hearted to kill any of them. As I became more proficient with my transplanting skills, I always had more plants than I could plant for myself. I was happy to give them away until the numbers grew so large that I was buying hundreds of dollars worth of potting soil & containers. Now I make enough to support my habit!