Photo by Melody

Weather: Ivan Survivors Please Post Here, 1 by Agrinerd

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Image Copyright Agrinerd

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Photo of Ivan Survivors Please Post Here
Agrinerd wrote:
I was lucky to come through it without a scratch.
Made it to work okay on Friday, but word was going around about water over the road on the way to where I live, so I left at lunch time. I made it home only minutes before the roads were barricaded. I missed a few hours on my weekly paycheck, but was able to spend the night safe and dry. That same night, 30 homes in the same county were lost to a mudslide and many are still without power. I'm very fortunate. I've included a picture of what I saw when I ventured out this morning. It's somebody's back porch in a parking lot. There's even a chair still sitting on it. There's no telling where it came from. The closest house is a half mlie uptream and still intact