Photo by Melody

Greenhouse: Heater recommendations for greenhouse during winter months?, 2 by BillCGreen

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Image Copyright BillCGreen

Subject: Heater recommendations for greenhouse during winter months?

Forum: Greenhouse

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Photo of Heater recommendations for greenhouse during winter months?
BillCGreen wrote:
Greetings!! I am new to greenhouses and trying to get some information to help dad.

We put together a 10\'W x 20\'L greenhouse so dad can keep his plants alive during the winter months. This upcoming winter will be our second winter season and are looking for a more efficient & effective way to heat the greenhouse.

Last winter, we used a small Mr. Buddy heater. It performed ok, but we had to change out the propane tanks several times a week. It didn\'t seem to move the heat throughout the greenhouse.

What recommendations do would you suggest to heat this size greenhouse? Would it be better to stick with Propane or switch to Electric?

We live in Ohio and dad would like to keep the temperature above freezing.
