Photo by Melody

Texas Gardening: Anyone Still Here?, 1 by Gypsi

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Forum: Texas Gardening

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Photo of Anyone Still Here?
Gypsi wrote:
Those tall zinnias do like their water. I like the little short ones for containers. I almost managed to save a cheap Lowes Vinca with the peroxide trick, but one more watering and it was a goner so I just tossed it.

I own several machines and used to sew and quilt, but I need the last couple of years of my business to provide retirement cash, so the machines are under dust covers.

My st augustine is getting by with almost no water, but I\'ve left it tall to help shade the roots. My bermuda out back suffers from dogs and chickens and I never water the yard, so it is what it is. I water and it\'s evaporated in a few hours