Photo by Melody

Orchids: Newbie help: no blooms! , 1 by MaypopLaurel

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MaypopLaurel wrote:
Phalaenopsis generally put out new roots and one pair of leaves each year at this time. So they should currently be in a growth cycle. Then they spike during winter and bloom late winter through spring. Some continue into summer. They need a cooling off period starting now to initiate spikes. They also need a ten to fifteen degree swing in daily temps. So, for most of the year 55-60 at night or higher and 70-75 during the day or higher. But come fall they need at least a month of 50-55 at night and 65-70 days. Phals are not heavy feeders. Once or twice a month is fine. Use an orchid food since orchids require higher nitrogen than plants potted in soil. Do not use ice! There should be a law against that instruction. Make sure the bark is not broken down. If so, repot in fresh bark and you can\'t over water. Just make sure the plant is not sitting in a wet drain tray. Do not water the center of the plant. Phals grow sideways, hanging from trees and will rot if water sits in the center. If the center gets wet, tip the water out. One way to get the temps right is to put the plant out in a spot with filtered sun as long as nights are above fifty. Make sure rain can\'t get in the crown. Hope this helps and I didn\'t overwhelm you with information.