Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Pruning Bridal Wreath Spirea, 2 by oxdriftgardener

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Image Copyright oxdriftgardener

Subject: Pruning Bridal Wreath Spirea

Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of Pruning Bridal Wreath Spirea
oxdriftgardener wrote:
I have never really investigated the proper way to prune Spirea. In the past I have just kind of removed any unhealthy parts when they just start to leaf out. Today I googled it and the recommendation for spring flowering spiraeas like my Bridal Wreath is to prune it right to the ground after it is done flowering. That kind of creeps me out. Mine has been there a lot of years and has spread quite a bit so pruning it right to the ground is going to make a pretty big hole and it\'s right at my front door. I\'m concerned about how quickly it will come back. My yard is going to be featured in the local annual garden tour on July 23. Has anybody had the experience in doing this that they can erase my fears of having this huge gaudy hole by my front door for the tour? A big advantage to doing this would be that I have to stain my front step and it would be lot easier with the Spirea out of the way. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.