Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Bare Dirt to Cottage Garden (in Pictures), 1 by Wifeygirl

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Photo of Bare Dirt to Cottage Garden (in Pictures)
Wifeygirl wrote:
Sorry for the delay in pics. I\'m not doing so hot garden-wise this year. =/
Here\'s a current status. It\'s just not that pretty. =(

The Hollyhocks have given up the ghost. I\'m deciding whether to just give up on them, or to try to do the systemic fungicide for next year. All of the sprouts coming up are diseased at this point.

I\'ve also run into a problem with the Black Eyed Susans - they are pointing in the wrong direction! They apparently get the strongest sun from above and behind us, so from the street you can\'t see their yellow faces!

It\'s super weedy, the grass is dead, and the heat is starting to come on. I have dreams and plans (laying down stepping stones, adding ground cover, weeding the grass out of the Black Eyed Susan area), but time, energy, and money are getting in the way!

My hubby is very dissatisfied with the front this year. He said \"either you are looking directly at a beautiful flower, or at a weed.\" He\'s starting to regret letting me kill the grass, so I\'ve gotta get my act together. Sorry for the downer post, but that\'s where I\'m at right now!