Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 3 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Being a lazy bad girl today although I have plenty of work to do. Eye roll. Anyway...listening to you bemoan technology. Feel your pain sister, feel your pain. I hate the stuff. I\'m a dinosaur stuck in a time warp and plan on staying there for as long as humanly possible. To me a phone is a phone to talk on and not a type writer to text on (practice I refuse to do with anyone). I still have a flip phone and am darn proud of it! LOL

So now that I had my little technology tantrum my suggestion would be do what the technologically challenged ( meaning me) do. I have a digital camera. I take my photos. Download them into the computer and then pull them up when I want them and post them. Seems to work for me and it sounds like it might be a little easier than trying to do it on your phone. Just need the little cable that plugs into your camera then into the computer and hit the \'download\' button. Stores the pics right in the computer. :D Cable was less than $20 bucks.

Like the garage door! YIPPEE. Looking good. It is so cool that Ray is handy and can make you things for the garden and work on the house. Dave is better mechanically and with some things in the house. I gave him the \'you can do it\' pep talk with regards to the tile and it turned out just fine. He gets nervous. Can\'t say as I blame him as materials cost money and screw-ups more to fix. I guess I operate under the erroneous assumption that I can do or figure out how to do anything. Most times this works other times...we don\'t talk about that.

We still have to tile the bathrooms to do. Sigh. What ev errrr.

The Azaleas are gorgeous. I remember those and all the colors they came in. They lit up peoples yards and really made a statement. They must be so nice to see everywhere in town and in all the yards along with the now coming Summer flowers.

About the closest thing we have here is a Bougainville (bo-gan-vee-yah). Thrives in 110 plus sun and gets kind of bush like or you can tie it to a trellis to climb. I\'ll take a photo of mine in the back yard. I just planted it two months ago and now it is twice the size. Great plant.

Our heat wave is coming. GROAN. 110 by next Saturday. Things will be going into a state of suspended animation if not an outright coma until late Feb-early March. Bummer. I so love being out in the yard \'doing\' stuff with the plants rather than just water, weed, put shade tent on and try to keep things from burning to death. I guess everything needs a season to rest so to speak and here that is Summer.

I do have one little cacti still blooming and it has stimulated its partner to do so also through cross pollination. The one on the right I have had for a year and it has grown plenty of arms but never bloomed. The one on the left I bought about 3 months ago and it had flower buds (why I bought it). I planted the 2 together and Viola! These are unusual flowers in that if you sniff them closely they have a nice clean, bright somewhat daffodil like scent to them. Very few cacti flowers have fragrance. So I thought that was a nice surprise.

Had a little doggy drama this morning too. Not Zoe thankfully. All morning I kept hearing a high pitched kind of squeaky odd noise and presumed it to be kids playing outside. Well, my neighbor is out of state and I go over in the a.m. to turn off and on the lights and collect her newspapers.

I about jumped out of my skin when I felt something furry bump against my ankle. I look down and here is the cutest, tiniest little gold-brown pup making the squeaky noise. Sigh. Me and my big bleeding heart scoops it up and brings it inside with me. It is hot. The little thing would either fry to death, starve to death or get hit by a home it came.

Zoe didn\'t even notice or care. Looked at me and it and then laid back down. Way to go Zoe! LOL. Showed it to my husband and he groaned. Dog was well fed and clean but probably about 2-6 weeks old. A puppy that tiny just doesn\'t get out of the house by its self. It isn\'t a stray at that age. If it belonged to a family here most likely the owner or kids would be outside with it.

Husband said it seemed to be someone ditched it here because they didn\'t want it and it was too little to find its way home. Oh #$%@ me! He has to go in early today and leave in about an hour and I\'m home and have to think of something to do. Let\'s see, vet is closed it is a \'holiday\' (besides several mile long walk), neighbor is out of state which means I walk everywhere or just don\'t go. I won\'t take it to a shelter or a pound. It would be dead. Shelters give 3 days and pounds give 1 before the euthanatize.

If I\'m stuck with the pup then I have to crate Zoe and put the pup in a box and quarantine it in the kitchen while I walk (did I mention it is hot today) to Walgreens drug store to see if they sell puppy food. And then I have to think of what to do with a literal \'baby\' for two days until Dave goes to work and tries to pawn it off on any of his coworkers. Dealing with Zoe in the meantime would be loads of fun too. No predicting how happy or pissed she\'d be about this. Sigh.

So I\'m musing about all this and standing there in my sweat shorts, a t-shirt and uncombed greasy hair (needed washed today) yet when I decided to walk around and see if this dog belonged to any of the neighbors. Dug out a brassier and a pair of flip flops and a baseball hat and being quite the vision of loveliness started knocking on doors.

Finally the 5th house the kids were outside and the mom and dad in the driveway. They fell in love with it. I explained what was going on and that I couldn\'t keep the pup because of Zoe. The mom fell in love as the pup started licking her face and the kids of course got in on it. Husband is looking at me like \'piss off lady and thanks a lot for this.\' They took the pup on the spot.

All they got was a hug, a \'God Bless You!\" and \"Thankyouthankyouthankyou\" as I beat happy feet down the street before they changed their minds.

I\'m sure the dog will be happy as he seemed to like the lady and his little tail was wagging and he was kissing her and she certainly was smitten with him. I think he\' s in a good home and that makes me happy. That really was a blessing and it came so unbelievable fast too. Hopefully I\'ll see him once in awhile. Cute little guy.

Phew, because I sure don\'t know what I would have done with 2 dogs and I would have had a fit potty training a puppy especially with the way I am about my house and the fact I just got a new tile floor and area rug for the living room. LOL.

So that\'s Jacqueline\'s big adventures for the day.
Need to get off my arse and go push a broom, a vacuum and shark steam/mop the kitchen floor.
Then I can sit on my arse in front of the t.v. until I fall asleep and dearest comes home.

Glad you\'re groovin\' to the Mamas and the Papas. Boy they could harmonize and that Mama Cass--what a voice! Favorite song they did was \'Dream a Little Dream of Me.\"


Oh, I\'m around all weekend if you\'re bored. Dave\'s working.

1.) newest left one in bloom, right one I had and it had never bloomed but grew arms
2.) they BOTH have flower buds now
3.) Tah-Daaah!