Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Caucasian Wingnuts in Seattle!, 1 by Pistil

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Image Copyright Pistil

Subject: Caucasian Wingnuts in Seattle!

Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of Caucasian Wingnuts in Seattle!
Pistil wrote:
Before there were Caucasian Wingnuts there was Pterocarya fraxinifolia The Caucasian Wingnut Tree. Yes, really.

A fast-growing, overlarge pushy tree, it\'s powerful roots tend to \"cause trouble to manmade structures\". Here it is in Seattle. This line of street trees had to be beheaded because they were interfering with public works, and would not \"play nice with others\". The Caucasian Wingnut needs to stand alone, otherwise it will outgrow it\'s allotted space in society. But then it will spring up again from the stump, undaunted by annoying governmental policies.

Seriously, it is a relative of Walnut from (of course) the Caucasus. It has winged nuts. But I laughed when I saw the name in my book, and diverted our tree tour to 24th Ave just to see this increasingly rare (in Seattle anyway) tree. In Seattle, \"they\" are cutting down the Caucasian Wingnuts because they are too troublesome. It must be a left-wing conspiracy.

Oh I just can\'t be serious. I keep trying but it creeps in. Sorry if I have offended anyone, please feel free to find a \"Portlandia\" or similar tree and make fun of me, I promise to laugh and keep it light.