Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 2 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Maybe some of you can figure this out because I sure can\'t. I\'m having a conniption fit. Now I was never \'good\' in math but got A\'s all the way through Algebra II. Suddenly went from an A student taking all advanced placement classes to having only 1 \'D\' on my entire high school report card and that was when I was forced to take Geometry and intro Trig my senior year.

Now story problems always gave me fits but I could do them if I racked my brain hard enough. Now I remember being taught taught me that there IS always one piece of useless information in it NOT needed to solve the problem. \"Think\" what the question is asking. Eliminate the unnecessary/useless piece of information then solve the problem.

I read the Huffington Post every morning. I read the political page and then the front page. Off to the side was something from England. \"Read the primary school (elementary school) problem that is unsolvable to adults\" Problem was presented. Answer was not. They are looking for people who can solve this and to send in the answer. Work must be presented.

NOT a contest. There is NO prize given. They just want an answer.

O.K. here\'s the problem:

Some people get on a train. 19 people get off the train at the first stop. 17 people get on. There are now 63 people on the train. How many people were on the train to begin with?

Here was my work:
63 (people now) -19 who got off =44 left
44+ 17 who got on = 61
NOPE does not = 63 people on the train now.

63 people now + 17 who got on = 80 on train.
80 on train - 19 who got off = 61
NOPE does not = 63 people on the train now.

63 on train + 17 who got on + 80 people
80 people now - 19 who got off = 61 people.
NOPE does not = 63 people.

About the closest I got was this.
19 people off - 17 people on = a -2
O.K. so if there is 63 people now originally there was 61, right?
WRONG. You got 2 people short because there is supposed to be 63.

The answer closest to what I can figure out is some kind of algebraic equation involving either +2 or -2. But I keep getting the same answers!!!.

63 people on train now.
19 got off. 17 got on.
Leaves a shortage of people because -19(off) - +17(on) = -2
Therefore -2 + +63 = 61

+ 63 on train now + (+ 17 on) = 80 people - 19 off = 61

Now this looks good BUT if you had 61 bodies on the train PRIOR to the 19 getting off that would be 42 bodies. 42 bodies + 17 on =59 !!!! NOT 61

we have =17 on -19 off = -2 bodies short
63 + -2 bodies (they aren\'t ghosts) = 65
This is not 63!!!

O.K. only way I can come up with 63 is by doing this:
63 people are left on the train and 17 got on. 63 + 17 + 80.
80 people on train - 19 who got off =61
We are still 2 people short ( 19 off -17on = -2 bodies)
Just add those 2 bodies because you feel like it and are sick and tired of this problem to the 61 people left.
61 + 2 mysterious bodies = 63

The alternative is this problem is unsolvable and/or a misprint.
-19 - +17= -2
63 people left.
You can neither add or subtract phantom non existent bodies therefore the change of people on the train was, and is 63.

&%^*#&^ Math!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Roll on floor kick scream pound head in wall!!!