Photo by Melody

Fruits and Nuts: Bud grafts on fruit trees stopped growing., 2 by jmc1987

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Photo of Bud grafts on fruit trees stopped growing.
jmc1987 wrote:
on the apple tree, if you are speaking about the graft in the first photo concerning the \"twig\". that was one graft that took off the first year, but the deer munched it down to about 5 inches (which is just out of the photo shot), but that has started bouncing back this year.

The second photo is that graft that grew just a couple tiny leaves then stopped. that branch that is coming out just below it i actually believe is a branch coming out of the stock itself, but i didnt want to risk pruning that off and stressing the plant so much that it died since i already had to remove it from the ground and into the pot, i wanted it to at least get acclimated and a little new growth before the winter hit. Now that we are well into spring, should that stock branch come off, perhaps that will stimulate that bud to get going?