Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 5 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi Carrie,
More exercise than I need right now. Eye roll...
Lots of weeding to do in the yard, garage full of tossed around pots,plant covers, potting soil and tools that need to be organized. Dusting still to be done. That\'s a never ending battle.

Sounds like the Y is a good idea for you physically. Any exercise, if done right, can definitely be fatiguing. Hope it helps you out both sleep wise and body wise and makes you feel better.

Me, any physical exertion always makes me feel great mentally and makes me sleep well. Physically I pay the toll for the next day or two but I know it is doing my body good so I push myself.

I keep toying with the idea of getting a bicycle. This seems to be about as close to driving as I will be able to get. Exercise is great also. Refuse to wear one of those dorky helmets though. Never did as a kid. Fell off the bike, rubbed some spit on the \'boo-boo\', and kept going. Hit my head on everything imaginable since I\'ve had seizures. Some things as hard as concrete including concrete its self. I\'m still going.

Husband said my knick name ought to be Timex. I take a licking and keep on ticking! (LOL)

Having some plant lust lately and the desire to acquire. I think it is just a case of Spring fever here. Everything has gone from dormant to \'WOW\' and has been growing exponentially by leaps and bounds and blooming like crazy. Of course this makes on feel happy and successful with the garden and creates all the more desire for more...more...more to fill up the yard. I\'ve been enjoying walking outside everyday to see what\'s new and exciting.

The activity will die down though come late May or very early June and things will go dormant and just be boring. Nothing to do then except weed, water occasionally and watch things wilt. That\'s when I get into my \'building\' projects, like the raised beds, and buying hanging baskets for next year. The baskets will be my next year\'s spring project and planning on what to add to the yard.

Basically Summer is our Winter...and now you can laugh at our weather and the fact we\'re living like troglodytes and you\'re out enjoying the sun, fun, sand and surf.

So what is your garden doing presently and what are you working on in terms of flowers and the yard when not obsessing and being frantic with the indoor house projects?

Have a good day.
Peace. Out.

Here\'s the latest blooms and what\'s to come!

1.) 7 blooms to open simultaneously within the next few days! YIPPEE!!!

2.) Neighbor\'s Aloes in bloom (envious they\'re not mine!)

3. & 4.) Yes the brown-purplish-reddish color is perfectly normal on this plant. Flower is such a lovely pale whitish-pink and matches so beautifully.

5.) Really odd little plants even by my standards. See the black \"fuzzy\" bumps on it? I\'ll post periodic pics as these progress. Veeeery weird but very cool ultimately. One of the weirdest plants I\'ve seen! (White dots are normal)