Photo by Melody

Perennials: What\'s Blooming , 1 by Pistil

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Image Copyright Pistil

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Forum: Perennials

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Photo of What's Blooming
Pistil wrote:
My paperbush is done blooming, but here is a pic from about a month ago-how nice to see this in Feb, and a Hummingbird was also very happy about it! I had tried this once, and a harsh winter killed it, even in a protected spot, then planted a \"sapling\" a gift from nearby DGer (volunteered in her garden under her big one). This time there was a mild winter and it has been here several years now, including a very cold winter. I was feeling rather hopeless about it, because the first two years it tried to bloom the buds were killed by a late hard frost. I really really like the leaves though, so thought I might keep it there anyway. Now this year it had these BIG yellow and white flowers, quite flashy really, and they lasted a long time. Sadly, in the meantime I planted a Pine Tree in between the shrub and my window, as I will need a screen eventually between my house and some icky neighbors. Maybe as the pine grows I can limb it up so I can see the February flowers (and Hummers).