Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 1 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Good Morning and happy Spring everyone! :D

Yeah, the seizure thing. Used to it as it is part of my life. BUT always happy when there is very minor, little and/or no damage. Now everyone gets why I neither work nor drive despite appearing to be \'able bodied\'. Also why I get quite frustrated and sad trying to explain all the time or to make people understand why I AM disabled when it isn\'t \'obvious\' to the naked human eye.

Honestly these things hurt more than any \'damage\' I do myself physically.

O.K. enough about that.

Hoping Fenny is alright and nothing more will happen in regards to her in terms of her seizures. Poor dog. :( Feel so bad. Neighbor should be shot. As I mentioned electric \'fences\' are safe, gentle and effective when it comes to keeping pets and/or livestock within your property while giving them the ability to \'roam\' freely. I have my fingers crossed for Fenny and her recovery.

OMG...on installing the tile. No hard to comprehend or \'do\' but the labor is so physically excruciating and we are sooooo tired. Our hands and knees (despite gloves and pads) are so dry and thus scraped up. Our backs and legs are hurting, blah...blah...blah...piss and moan. HUUUGE Eyeroll. We still have the living room to do. When we will get to the 2 baths who knows.

Oh and the dust!!! We all know what an anal retentive, obsessive-compulsive, neat freak I am. Sigh, we won\'t talk about the dust and my mental and nervous state of being at the present moment.

Zoe seems to be handling it fine. Annoyed she can\'t be in every room with us and is frequently told \"Move dog!\" or \"Go lie down.\" but she is the size of a small pony and we have furniture everywhere in every which way and don\'t need her stepping in mortar, etc. Poor dog. All in all she\'s been a good sport though. She\'s been getting her morning walks and hugs and pets as we walk by. I think as long as we\'re not packing boxes she\'s good! (LOL).

Gotta go back to work. GROAN!!!

Here\'s what greeted me for Spring yesterday afternoon. :D Torch cactus in all it\'s glory. :D The two on the right will be blooming again very soon. Here\'s a photo from the street into my yard also just to give you an idea of how big the flower is and how visible it is from a distance.

Peace. Out.