Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 5 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi gang,
Yep...last day of the dreaded antibiotic. YIPPEE! Am feeling much, much better. Thank you. Stay away from doctors\' offices and you won\'t get sick! Flu shots I guess have their merits but I will never get one. Had one it almost killed me. Sick for 2 weeks with a fever that went form 101-103 and an ear infection. Still got sick anyway.
Haven\'t had a flu shot in 3 years and this was the first time I was really sick and not even the flu but a sinus infection! Husband doesn\'t get them either and hasn\'t had the flu. Upper respiratory infection and bronchitis. Everyone we know who had flu shots guessed it...the flu! Personally, I\'ll never get another one in this life.

Glad it worked for you though and really benefitted your health and was a life saver. Couldn\'t have asked it to perform better and do what it should. :D
I guess it is all dependent upon person and condition. I dunno. Sounds like you had a bad mix going on there: MS drugs, pneumonia and a weakened immune system that made your flu all the worse and incredibly dangerous. I can see why you get your shots.

What an awful experience though and how alarming to tell your husband something like that and throw the whole family into a tailspin. The guy should of been smacked. He should have been telling family to encourage you to \'pull through\' and focus on getting well and adding their support to yours. I swear doctors don\'t \'think\'.

Yep, new home fix-up nightmares. Sigh. Our house sold in 10 days so we had to find a place and move like...NOW. We like our home but they put in vinyl in the kitchen and it is getting torn up and knicked and scuffed. The carpet is a blue gray and everything in my house is beiges, browns, black and red. The carpet is also old, has a random stain here and there and cheap. Sigh. We have yet to paint. The walls are white but they\'re that white with a \'bluish\' tinge. We won\'t discuss counter tops. Blue Formica in the bathroom....EWWWWW!!! And of course my shower curtains are, you guessed it...beige, brown and red.

Yep, this return will be dedicated to paint and tile. Next one will be dedicated to carpet for just the bedrooms and hall. If I can squeeze anything out of that it will be nice bamboo blinds for the windows. I HAAAAATE cheap metal mini blinds with a flaming purple passion. Had them in every apartment I ever lived in and all they do is collect dirt no matter how much you wipe them, dust them or wash them. They also get dented, bent and \'crinkled\' after you use them a few times. I HAAAAATE CHEAP METAL MINI BLINDS! There should be some kind of law against them.

Husband is worried about me getting hurt on the tile if I fall during a seizure. I said, \"Why? Last house had both carpet and tile and they both hurt equally when you fall on your head so what does it matter? Let\'s get what we like.\"

As for tiling the walls, hmm...not sure about the cost but I do know what they call \'subway tiles\' works the best and is relatively inexpensive and looks very nice. May want to check into those. Come in every color imaginable too. Looks sharp and very stylish.

We\'ll be tiling shopping soon and doing our little project the beginning-middle of March when dearest is on vacation. Ohhh goody. We\'re doing it ourselves so it ought to be real interesting in The AGAVE household. :D LOL

Now why did you do the typical male thing of getting tools more powerful, bigger than necessary and more than you can handle to do a simple job? Right tool for the right job dude! Look at it this way, you can do more damage and destruction to those nasty trees if you can wield you might chain saw rather than having it drag you to the ground. :D
Happy chopping, slicing and dicing!

As for me, here was my happy surprise today! Fully open blooms. Look closely at the buds I took a picture of previously. They all appear to be opening cream but one(left on bottom) looks as though it may open red/pink! Curious if it does this on one plant!!! Also Cow\'s Tongue prickly pear is getting new pads. :D

Have a great weekend all.
Tomorrow is Downton Abbey day. :D
Peace. Out.