Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners, 1 by Agavegirl1

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Agavegirl1 wrote:
Good Morning gang,
Yes...Maytag is blaming anyone and everyone they can for their demonic washing machines. I'm waiting for the breaking scandal just like Volkswagen and Firestone Tires. Americans have got to take a stand against these corporate giants and big Ag about the pain and expense they inflict upon us in regards to our missing socks and ruined under garments!!!

I believe men are perhaps one of the best judges of what "looks good" when they see a woman although they may not know why. Often we revert to female validation because they know why as they deal with the same issues we do, "My butt is too big, I don't like my thighs, my legs are great but I don't want to look like a street walker displaying them" We know how to manipulate these subtleties to work for and around these things. While men see the end results of our craftwork they often don't have the "technical knowledge" required in regards to women's clothing in regards to form and fit and they don't possess our bodies, thus having to deal with our issues.

Men, however, are invaluable in assessing the final results of our craftwork and I feel perhaps they are the ultimate judges. Women will often compliment the clothes or shoes or say, You look nice." Men say, "WOW, I can't take my eyes off of you." or..."Uhm... yeah. Seriously? I didn't know Halloween got moved to June." I have noticed this reaction from my husband in regards to not only me but women in general with clothing, hair and makeup.

He's not leering at them or being creepy but he knows I like clothes. He will often say to me, "She looks very nice in that dress, don't you think? Something like that would be nice on you too." Or, "For God's sake DON'T walk around in that!!" I found he notices these things regardless of age, race, height, weight, etc. Funniest thing though, I'll say, "Did you see that girl? I can't believe her mother let her out of the house in that!" He'll say, "NO! I don't see any 'girls'. Nothing good can come of that! If they don't look like they're 30 I don't see them at all!" (LOL)!

I love when he sometimes picks stuff out for me in stores to try on that I normally wouldn't have thought of or pulls something out of my closet for me to wear because he likes it. I often put out 2 or 3 outfits and ask him to choose one. I don't find this chauvinistic at all. It makes me feel good that he "knows" what he likes and "knows" what looks good on me and enjoys seeing me in.

As for hair and makeup men are brilliant. I've always had and always preferred male hairdressers (and yes many were straight). It is a little "sexist" of me but it was for the same reasons as above. Living in L.A. and it being a very much equal opportunity employer state many men actually worked behind the makeup counters in the higher end stores or as Estheticians! I found them to be as equally competent with make up as women. Then again they were trained!

I still find no reason as to why any regular guy can't do these things. When I had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my left hand (cooking accident due to seizure) I couldn't use my left hand for 8 months! My husband did my hair. I use a blow dryer and a round brush. It is pretty hard to do your hair when you can't use your left hand to hold a blow dryer because you are using your right to hold the round brush. husband, who often watched me do my hair while we got ready to go somewhere, "learned". First few times was difficult. After about 4 or 5 tries my hair looked as good as if I did it myself!!! He even helped me with makeup. I managed foundation, powder and lipstick but there was a lot I couldn't do. We won't discuss the many eye pokings with the mascara wand in the left eye but he did it very well after a few times! (I'm right handed. If I reach across with mascara to do the left eye with my right hand the wand hits the bridge of my nose and leaves black marks thus left hand-left eye mascara application is the norm). He also got good at very basic eye shadow, liner, and applying blush via my instruction!

He would absolutely cringe with horror if he knew I told you these things! (LOL)

While most men are genius at peeling off brassieres and panties and all other articles of clothing learning how to put them on a woman correctly was also a foreign experience to him! Big guy at 6'6" so big clumsy hands with little hooks and straps and lace and buttons and the pulling on of jeans, but he mastered this!

He shaved my armpits! Can't shave your right armpit with your right hand. Again, like mascara application and hair styling, another ambidextrous feat women have learned. We'll not discuss some of the other more personal grooming and hygiene rituals he did for me for 8 months and how long THAT took to master. (Ewww)

Then people wonder why I get up at 2:00a.m. with him when his work schedule changed. There's a big part of your answer. In comparison that's a small sacrifice on my part don't you think? Of course I would have done the same if he was incapacitated for 8 months also.

As for Metrosexual (straight men who love fashion) I applaud them. I think it is great they take pride in themselves and their clothes and like looking good for us and themselves. God bless those men who know what ear trimmers and nose clippers are. We appreciate that as much as you appreciate no hair in our arm pits. To us that is equally abhorrent as big a turn off. I turned down a date from a really good looking man because he had a forest growing in his ears! I simply couldn't imagine eating dinner with this man and 'thinking' about this. Nose hair...well, since most women are at a disadvantage and we have to look UP literally at you, our view is slightly different.

Although Nadine may prefer less than typical female attire I'm sure she knows how to dress and when. Send her out on an interview or for a hot date with a man she is "serious" about who has a "real job" and a "home and future" to offer her, and I'm positive you will see a whole different person! Take a look in the back of her closet. I'm sure some of the things she owns may surprise you! Yes, I will admit there are some days at home or just hanging out at a friend's house I look like Nadine (but never in public).

I've often thought of simplifying. Since I seem to be always reaching for the same jeans, capris, t-shirts and sweaters, blazers, etc. in certain colors ,why not do a uniform? Buy and wear only these things in the colors I like? Think about it. No worries on shoes, or trying to find things to coordinate and match. Very minimal expense and upkeep. I keep kicking it around.

Let's see 4 pair of the same jeans and 4 pair of the same denim capris I love. (have)
2 pair of khakis; (need)
1 denim skirt; (have)
4 pair of the shorts I like in Khaki, 4 in olive, 2 in black. (We wear shorts 8 months out of the year) (have some; need new some)
T-shirts 4 black, 4 gray, 4 white, 4 cream, 4 red. (have some; need some)
1 suit that is black with both pants and skirt; (definitely need!)
2 black blazers (1 Summer weight, 1 Winter Weight) (definitely need)
2 white oxfords, (need)
1 crisp cotton tailored blouse in white and 1 crisp cotton tailored blouse in black. (have)
1 white "dress" blouse. (need)
1 dress either in charcoal or black that is "interview/dinner/funeral' appropriate. (need)
1 black dress for a night out or special occasion. (have)
1 black cardigan sweater that is long (have)
1 black cardigan sweater that is short (have)
1 denim jacket (need)
Black Leggings (eye roll...have tons)
and a few long/oversized shirts that go over them in the white/black colors. (need)
All of my multi variety of shoes, heel heights, styles and regardless of colors work. All of my accessories work. (have tons of both)
2 black mock turtle necks (need)
2 white long sleeve t's (need)
1 long sleeve denim shirt (have)

Now that may sound like a lot of clothes BUT if that is all you ever wear for years and years it isn't. I have a lot of this stuff already, so why not just expand a little bit on it? Get rid of all the pinks, purples, browns, blues, greens, etc. Get rid of a lot of things I bought because they're cute but I have nothing to match and have been on an endless quest to find something to go with. Get rid of all the things that go in and out of style. This stuff above NEVER goes out of style. I'll be wearing it until the day I die and simply just replacing it as needed. Brilliant right? I am seriously toying with this idea. It truly wouldn't kill me to dress this way and would definitely simply the "What do I wear today problem!" (LOL) Perhaps the best reason for doing it!

I'm going to have to check out the blood type diet. I'm a B+ blood type. I find it interesting in concept. Also will have to explore the bread more and check the carbs on it. Hmm...bread! :D
My problem is I can't do bread without butter...lots and lots of butter! YIKES. Lucky you. You get to have 2 cooks that are creative. The creativity is pretty much left up to me. At times it is like the Chopped Challenge cooking show in my house. My husband is the grill expert and does some good 'ol favorites and stand by dishes. As for ingredients meat, seafood and fresh fruits, veggies, and spices can get expensive BUT the money you would have spent on junk food, food that isn't good for you, processed foods, and stuff you know you shouldn't be eating more than compensates. It is just a switch over from what you are buying now to what you were buying then. We found it comes out to the same and sometimes less. You can have left over roast 2 or 3 days. That bag of chips will only last so long. (Usually not 2 or 3 days).

As for everyone are they getting along and playing nice?

Put that basil to work! Pesto! Slice some and sprinkle over fresh sauce for your pasta. Tomato soup or minestrone. Some mozzarella, tomato and basil salad, yum.... How about grilled or baked chicken or fish!

I envy your Hibiscus. What color are they. I had a beautiful red one as an indoor plant. Zoe ate it. (sigh.). Here is a picture of the second bloom on my peanut cactus. I am so excited there are 2 more to come!!

Peace. Out.

Couldn't think of a song for the day. Didn't wake up with one in my head. BTW does anyone actually listen to them?