Photo by Melody

Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening: DAILY PICTURES # 111, 1 by Lily_love

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Photo of DAILY PICTURES # 111
Lily_love wrote:
Ju, it's all good. "Weeds is only, .... well like beauty, it's in the eyes of the beholders". LOL

NAN, they are pretty "huge" but in relation with some moth's larvae, it's a dwarf, or miniature little ones? So it's only a relative term? LOL
Yes, from years experience of saving the MWs for Monarch, I think I've enough for this year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. I looked at example from the professionals -- for example what I saw yesterday from the Botanical's butterfly house; they've a big volume of MWs in pots that were chewed down to bare stalks. But, then again, I have no idea the number of Monarch cats they cared for? One lady there mentioned that in peak season, they care for a total 17 species of butterflies. 17 species, so the Monarch is but a small fraction of the whole. There is so much to learn, so little time to appreciate it all! COL (that's for crying out loud), and yes an Alabamian gardener just coined that TERM, oh another, TOL for thinking out loud. Grins.

1. MWs? I can't visualize this tiny thumbnail pix, it all looks the same to my UN-aided eyes. COL!!!