Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners , 1 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi gang :D them doggie pictures! Aren't they the sweetest things? Like little angels when they sleep. Quick. Call the taxidermist (LOL)! That's horrible about that man that shot her with the paint gun. Idiot neighbor I presume? Who would do such a mean thing if the dog wasn't bothering them. It's probably a good thing she freaks them out now. I'd watch though. People who are crazy enough to hurt an animal just may try to poison her. Keep an eye on her. I hate it when people torment or terrify animals for no reason. It does horrible things to their little minds and makes them so leery of people sometimes. It does change their behavior and nature.

For the most part she sounds like Zoe. Playful, love me type of dog. Just loves people. Will stand there and let you pet a hole in her. I've only seen her show her teeth to one person in 5 years.
That was the FedEx guy. I don't know why. Likeable guy. Not mean, loud, threatening. Never stared her down or talked mean to her. Never bothered her in any way. But she had the snarl, the lowest rumbling growl I ever heard, and she actually bared her teeth to him. Her little Mohawk on her head and neck went up too. Weird.

Poor guy. The one other time he came to my house he was standing back from my door about three feet. When I opened it he was pointing to a Black Widow spider that had so kindly strung a web across the entrance of the front door. Had I walked out my door I would have walked into it! Guy must have rang the door bell and jumped back 3 feet. I felt so sorry for him every time he had to come to my house. Probably groaned every time he saw my address.(LOL)

Now the UPS guy was another story. Zoe couldn't get enough of him! She'd hear his truck and stand at the door tail wagging. She knew the sound of his truck! When was the last time a UPS driver ever got out of the truck and didn't chuck your package on the door and run away?
This guy actually stopped, rang the bell and petted the dog! He remembered her name! Just loved her. Funny thing even when he delivered a package at the neighbors he would still walk over and see her for a minute! She'd be at the door before he got there. She already heard the truck!

Sad about what schizophrenia can do isn't it. Makes you wonder about the human mind and how it works. I don't wonder around here. The explanation is one too many chromosomes. :D
I'm glad your friend R. is doing well and mentally stable. That is so great. It is always good to hear a success story.

I don't know the only hallucinations I get were from Codeine cough syrup which I'm no longer allowed to have because it also causes seizures. I also had some great, extremely pleasant ones while on a 2 day Morphine drip at the burn center.
I was also in a perpetual state of catatonia on my 3 pill cocktail of Oxycodone, Percodan, and Valium! (Yep..all 3 at once!).
I preferred to call it deep meditation and commune with the higher spirit God's. Most relaxed I've ever been in my life. Took a trip and never left the house.
Didn't pick up a dust rag for 3 months! Who needed sleep? It was over rated. Just sat on the couch grinning and drooling on myself and scratching because one of them was making my skin itch.
I told my husband since we can't take vacations we should see if we can raid the hospital's cabinet :D (LOL) I understand why people get into drug use/abuse.
It was unnerving being in this state for as long as I was. I stopped the medication. They wanted to keep me on it longer! I was afraid of what would happen. Not that I would get addicted. But that my house would wind up looking like our friends that never clean! (LOL)

Unfortunately I never saw any naked men in my hallucinations either.

Not being racist or disrespectful but was there some Mexican holiday I'm not aware of yesterday/today? My neighbors who both coincidentally happen to be Mexican were partying like it was Cinco de Mayo. I went out at 1:30a.m. to watch the meteor shower and 4 houses down from me on the right they had their back yard lit up like they owned stock in the power company and music going. Some girl with the biggest mouth I ever heard was yacking. I mean my hearing isn't the best but I could clearly make out what she was saying.I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops considering this little fiesta broke up at 4:10a.m.
My other neighbor gets up early like I do. He owns his own landscaping business. Normally you may hear his truck radio for about 5 minutes softly around 4:30a.m. This morning he was out about 3:00a.m. with his radio up fairly loud and a couple of people in his garage/driveway. He left around 4:45a.m.
Anyone know what was the big occasion and why wasn't I invited? Hey I would of combed my hair and put on a bra and clothes that I hadn't slept in. (LOL).

Anyway so glad everyone is feeling well and healthy right now. That is just the most wonderful news. I haven't fallen on my head or anything else lately. So far so good. Jim.....are you listening to the Divine Cactus of Enlightenment? He's left a few lessons there for you to read in the previous posts. Catch up. He's not just talking to me you know!

Speaking of divine cacti here's a cacti that just did something divine. Enjoy. I am. It flowered this morning. The bloom only lasts 1 to 5 days. Here's yesterday's pre bloom and today's bloom.
peace. Out. Oh...if we do a new thread will someone let me know or D-mail me please!!