Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners , 1 by seacanepain

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Image Copyright seacanepain

In reply to: #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners

Forum: Accessible Gardening

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Photo of #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
seacanepain wrote:

You go Agavegirl! Quitting smoking was one of the harder things I’ve ever done, but it was so worth it.

I like plants that look interesting even when they are not in flower. Kalanchoes, echeveria, sempervivums and sedums all find their way into my basket at the nursery. Plants that have unusually colored foliage have a way of following me home from the nursery too. I like variegated plants, but have learned to be a little wary of those. The variegated elderberry and variegated Chinese privet I bought reverted to plain green foliage in a few seasons.

We’ll catch up with all of you on Sunday. I’m driving Kay up to visit our grand-kids and checking out a B&B called The Rose House I’ve heard good things about. I hope it is cooler there and I can get out with the camera.
