Photo by Melody

Perennials: coneflower , 1 by valal

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Photo of coneflower
valal wrote:
LOVELY Photos, Ladies!
Annette, I love the Aloha--and the Pow Wow Wild Berry is so bright pink!
Cynthia, What a lovely planting of Coneflowers against the fence...Is that a heliopsis to the right?

You got me curious, so i went back in photos. I remember the Sombrero started blooming pink, and I couldn't remember at what point, or if it was when the blooms were fading/getting older.
It didnt hold its color for me long at all, it appears. it will be VERY interesting to see how it blooms this year, as it's getting ready to soon.

Below photos:
1- 7/20/14 Bought The Sombrero Coneflower. I remember it had a red, orange and yellowish bloom at the time.
2- 8/17/14
3- 10/14/14
4- Raspberry Truffle Coneflower first bloom (bought this year)
5- I remembered I had pale yellow and a pale pink in my front garden, from plantings of the previous owner...I moved them to the back where they could get more sun and am curious how they bloom (and what color). They were planted where there was a good deal of shade before I moved them.