Photo by Melody

Mid-Atlantic Gardening: PLANT ADDICTS CHAT #6, 1 by speediebean

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Image Copyright speediebean

In reply to: PLANT ADDICTS CHAT #6

Forum: Mid-Atlantic Gardening

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speediebean wrote:
Very interesting info about that Tulip Tree, thank you for that link Sally. I'd been told (here) before what it was but had forgotten. And, I've never seen any blooms on mine, but then again it's in a very "understory" sort of positioning, along the woodline, and not very big or tall. ... now that I think of it, I believe I have more than 1.

Seq, that is also very interesting info about the Otto, I had no idea they'd not prefer such intense sun, everything I'd read says they'll do well in full-to-part sun and "even tolerate full shade". Well, I'll be working on her tomorrow (gotta work today), gonna prune her out, rake out all the mulch and stuff around/under her, and then give her a good Neem spray. (provided it's not too terribly hot and/or rainy).

Alright, now this insanity HAS to stop. Y'all know what I came home with yesterday? 1 Hypericum Androsaemum "Albury Purple", 2 Lamium Purpureum, and 2 Yarrow "Moonshine". I was thinking, just in case the Laurel doesn't make it, I can have a replacement handy, of a fashion. MoBot says the Hypericum will take full sun to part shade, so I'm hoping they're right. Also, there's that empty area between the Sedum ground cover and the Laurel (in front of the Columbine and bleeding heart I just installed), and DH said it looked weird and needed to be filled in "with a mixed-up bunch of stuff". Well, between the yarrow and lamium, that should (in time), fill that space in well and prettily, I think.

Now, NO MORE PLANTS!!!! < =P

The pic is of one of the cute little blooms on my Hypericum. Wheee!!