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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015.. , 1 by 77sunset

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Photo of  OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015..
77sunset wrote:
Hello everyone.
Another cloudy morning here but should warm a bit later.
We seem to have a lot of cloudy days here in my area even during the hot weather.
Maybe we are too far south for the sun to send much heat to burn off the clouds.

Here we are already into Feb and Easter coming up. I have seen hot cross buns in the shops since Christmas.
It seems these days , we might as well just have everything in the shops all year.
Apparently the shops dont consider each occasion a separate

Teresa, you can keep your snow, pretty as it looks.
A friend is up in our north at the moment and says the humidity is awful. So different to down here.
Just as well we all get something different or what in the world would we all complain about....
I hope Miss Mischief is behaving well.
She is turning into a real couch potato when at home.
I bet Baz spoils her rotten as the two relax on the couch.
Good luck with the job hunting..

All my broms are looking great with the mild weather .
I finally took a few new pics and can see a lot of difference in just the few months they have been here.

Brian, you are fast amassing a nice lot of broms. Be careful putting up a shade house as they do seem to
I ended up with 6 at the old place.
I remember my hubby saying I would never fill the first one we built.
Its like a disease.... You put your plants in the new shadehouse and have some space, so buy a few just to fill the space and look nice....
Haha... Now you have filled the space, you need more room for the pups all coming so must decide on building another.... and on it goes.
Just ask , Nev, Shirley and the others. ... It is fun though...until you get older or ill and look around at all those plants..

Trish, I bet your mum has a real yard full of broms now. I am glad she has something nice to enjoy.
Gardening may get a bit much at times, but its still a relaxing way to pass the days.

Colleen, nice to see you are able to get rid of some broms and make room for new ones.
I hope you have a lot of fun helping your new friend with broms . Sounds like he has a very ambitious garden planned.
Look forward to seeing some pics..

Nev, so sorry about your son . I hope he recovers quickly. Its amazing what some people can do without caring about others.
I have seen some of those places overseas on TV and shudder to think of driving there let alone riding a bike.
Talk about mad drivers..

One of my pet hates are the drivers here who always seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere.
I had 3 cars sitting behind me the other day and I usually drive along around 85 - 90 which to me is quite fast enough to get anywhere. The first car passed on the first available stretch of road,which was okay, but then the other two followed. I had to slow and put my foot on the brakes to let them in front as a very large semi was coming the other way.
This happens so often.. I wonder why they are all in such a hurry all the time. Leave a bit earlier and allow time for things like roadworks etc..
School is starting again here. Mums dropping off kids are notoriously bad at rushing around and very careless about where and how they park.

Nev, I hope your injuries are slowly healing and that the person who left the hose out , is remembering to roll it
Time I went and watered a few pots.

pic 1... neo Victoria x Lamberts Pride flowering... she has a pup coming too.

pic 2...neo Allure, also flowering and has a pup.

pic 3...neo Lamberts Pride has really colored up and also has a pup.

pic 4... a group shot.

pic 5...more broms.


This message was edited Feb 1, 2015 9:17 AM