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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015.. , 1 by 77sunset

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Photo of  OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015..
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
It is the usual lovely sunny but cool morning we have been having lately. What annoys me though is it starts to get nice and warm so i take off the cardi and by lunchtime its become windy and cold. I even put the heater on the other afternoon as it became really cold
Its more Autumn weather than Summer.
Summer really doesnt hang around too much in this part of the state though.
We get the odd very hot days, but mostly its mild.

Nev & Teresa , thanks for the info on the frost cloth.
I had heard of it but never had the need for anything like that.
I will look in Hamilton of Thursday.
The area where I will put the broms is under the wide eaves so that does offer some protection, but its the cold wind we get here in winter that can do damage.
The cloth will help with that.
I can fit all the broms under the eaves for the winter, so they should be happy until next Spring.
I notice a few more pups coming and my large vr. Angela has a new pup too.
I think I may leave pup removing until the Spring as there are various sizes of pups and by then they should all be large enough to come off at the same time.

Teresa, dogs can have some weird tastes, just like us, I
I had a dog who loved tomatoes. He would go along the rows when we were picking tomatoes and grab the ripe ones near the ground.
Cats can be the same. One of my daughter's cats used to love cheese sandwiches and would climb right up her body to reach for a bite .
I think a lot of people have the wrong ideas of what a lot of animals will eat...
It must come from people not looking around them closely at nature.

Trish, lovely to see you have moved a lot of your broms. Its fun playing musical broms when you only have a few like me, but I imagine its a big job when you have lots ,as you do.
I used to do more moving at the house, with a lot more plants.
As Nev said, moving is good when a plant looks like it needs to be somewhere else

Nev, keep taking a rest, as our older bones now need that extra time to heal.
When I had the big garden at the house, I built seats all over the place as I went . Even when you dont feel tired , its nice to just relax and look at the garden.

i love the old milk crates and bought a few of mine with me here. So handy to use as a potting table or a quick seat.
I found a couple of mine , years ago when renting a place, long before I met my dear hubby.
I carted them with me when I moved as noone wanted them.
So handy for carrying things in or packing when moving..

Brian, you have a very nice lot of broms there. I think you definitely qualify as a
I see a few spaces that will soon be filled, I bet.

Better move as today is the day for my hospital group. We are having a bar-b-q for a late Australia day celebration.
I see clouds coming up so looks like the usual quick change from sun to cloudy. I hope any rain holds off , at least until the barbie is over.

Take care everyone and enjoy your sunshine.

Just a pic of my latest rose EbbTide. Must get new pics of the broms.