Photo by Melody

Pacific Northwest Gardening: HELP !!! I HAVE MOLES ! ! !, 1 by LakeLivingRos

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LakeLivingRos wrote:
Thanks for suggestion on reading the article! Very interesting!!

Here is the copy and pasted article for anyone interested..
Keep moles out

Even though Washington State University researchers say trapping is the only effective way to rid our gardens of moles, several years ago Washingtonians voted to make trapping moles illegal.

Ever since, gardeners have had to rely on folklore remedies to try to repel moles. The problem is figuring out which, if any, home remedies really work.

I’ve experimented with some and found most to be ineffective. One popular method that didn’t work for me was to stick a piece of double bubble gum down the mole hole. Evidently the mole is supposed to chew the gum, before blowing a huge bubble that pops and suffocates him.

Some folk remedies were totally disgusting. Even if it works, no one is going to talk me into putting dog-doo down the mole hole. I’m not all that keen on visiting my local barber to collect hair to stuff down there, either.

A caller to my radio show actually recommended pouring gas in the mole run. Needless to say, I was horrified by the environmental consequences of that suggestion.

Although most folk remedies failed to pass muster, one that worked for me was mint. See if my recipe works for you by running a couple of big handfuls of pliable mint stems and leaves through the blender with just enough water to make slurry. Then mix the blended concoction into a large soup pot half-full of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 20 to 30 minutes. This will make a concentrate that can be diluted to make about 6 gallons of mole blaster.

Pour the diluted mixture into mole holes whenever mole activity is detected. The moles evidently hate the smell of mint and, if all goes as planned, the varmints will pack their bags and take up residence in your neighbor’s garden.

The key to success seems to be persistence. Moles don’t give up prime property without a fight, so be ready to apply another round of “mint mole blaster” any time new activity is noticed.


I started to notice animal tracks on the top of my grass.. in the photo I posted you will notice there are some brown curved lines that are running from holes in the ground to my fence..