Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR NOVICES AND ADDICTS - JULY 2014, 5 by works4me

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Image Copyright works4me


Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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works4me wrote:
Hi everyone,

It’s absolutely freezing here tonight and the wind is howling … bring on Spring.

Teresa, I hope your job hunting is going well. How was your interview at the local supermarket. I agree that shorthand and typing ability opened up lots of opportunities when I left school. I don’t think anyone even teaches shorthand these days … more the shame.

Nev, not sure if the neo Bromagic on the BCR is the same as my concentrica Bromagic. I purchased it from Bromagic and it is an Alan Freeman hybrid.

I don’t know much about neo Fire and Ice other than mine is still just a pup and getting huge. I am going to see the lady I purchased it from next week so I’ll try to remember to ask her if she knows any more about it.

Colleen, I love Lucy LOL. As kids we spent most of our time barefoot as well. Shoes were worn to school only when the inspector was making a visit or the school photographer was coming.

Trish, hope you’re feeling better. We haven’t done the floor of the brom house yet either. I had to have a place to house heaps of broms before we went to NZ and it was a race to get it ready in time. In the end, the broms went in a day or two before we left and before the floor was done. The plan was to do it as soon as we returned but it hasn’t happened yet. The thing is I have to move out about 200 broms so we can do it.

Wendy, if you’re looking in, I hope your shoulder has improved. Also hope the police have arrested your brom theif … what a lowlife. Did your sale on the weekend go well.

Trish, your igloo is looking good, great job you’ve done there. Look forward to your email and your photos.

Anyway, it’s after midnight again, little wonder we sleep late … usually 8:00am, sometimes 9:00am, and little wonder we don’t get a whole lot done during the day.

Pic 1 – neo Black Onyx
Pic 2 – neo Manoa Beauty
Pic 3 – neo Old Love Letters
Pic 4 – neo Royal Cordovan
Pic 5 – neo Princess Grace x Grace

Bye for now, Shirley