Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: What do you plant in your containers—got pictures?, 5 by LeawoodGardener

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Photo of What do you plant in your containers—got pictures?
LeawoodGardener wrote:
Hi Cathy!

I grow a lot of things in containers around my garden for a number of reasons - it gives me some spots of color on the patio, where everything else is hot, hard surface and it lets me put some 'seasonal'
things out for the summer, then bring them back in for winter.

Pic 1 - the patio with pots of hibiscus and dwarf canna growing in a Chinese bowl. (the paper lantern was part of the decor for an Asian-theme dinner party last Saturday).

Pic 2 - Sun coleus in pots lining the path to my garden.

Pic 3 - a round-leaf begonia that spent the winter in the basement under lights is enjoying the summer under a table on the patio, where it gets lots of indirect light, and I don't forget to water it.

Pic 4 - Mandevilla on a trellis in an urn beside the garden

Pic 5 - The Oleander topiary that spends the winter in front of a window in my bedroom, enjoys the full sun and heat in the center of the patio.