Photo by Melody

Florida Gardening: My first raised bed garden for vegtables, 5 by jamibad

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Photo of My first raised bed garden for vegtables
jamibad wrote:
Hi All!! Hope everyone is doing well! As for my garden, because of it being my 1st raised bed garden,I feel like I'm beating myself to death over everything that has been happening since all the rain we had. Everything was coming along great, than I had the horn worm problem, I think I got that problem under control as I haven't seen any of them or the holes in my leaves where they were feeding. Now, since the rain, I have a new problem, It looks like a mold of some sort! I had the same problem in my container garden last year, but was under the impression that because I was growing everything so close together, that was how I created the mold.
I'm posting some picture's, maybe someone can give me advise on what to do. Here's what I have been doing to help my plants, spraying neem oil every so many day's, and since the rain, I did spray everything once with a liquid seven, hose attachment spray. That all seems to be working, I didn't have to go buy any more stuff to combat the cat's.
Now about the mold, or mildew I think I may have. I have read that neem oil stops it in it's tracks. I hope so, Since the rain, I've sprayed it as I see some tinge of what ever is on my leave's, sometimes it seems to work, other time's no change! I'm getting very frustrated.

David, what you see in the last 2 picture's is a bunch of bird seed. The week end of the rain, my hot water heater blew a gasket,( just a figure of speech)and when we woke up, we had no hot water, went to the garage to see what was going on, and found everything on the floor soaked, the bag of bird seed being one of the items soaked. I had a huge bag of it, same as I had 2 huge bags of charcoal for my BBQ grill. All of it was soaked, the bags fell apart, so my DH scooped up the birdseed and put it back where we hang the bird feeders. That is what your seeing in the picture's. The squirrels will eat it if the birds don't.
And what do you mean have I have been eating any special herbs lately ? This question may have went over my head , not sure who you were directing that question to, I thought it was directed to me, so can you tell me what it means. Sorry, I sometimes can be clueless, but am very curious! ( I just may have an inkling, after reading a few of my older post, and LOL, NO..... It's just lack of sleep and being in a lot of pain at night when I'm trying to sleep, the yard work catches up to me, so I get up, move around a bit, than try to sleep again. And because I'm so tired, I re-post stuff I already did. You are to funny, you catch stuff like that! If that's what you meant! I'm still chuckling to myself over that. haha! I could only wish though!!!!!

Q, I feel the same way as you do, I don't think I'm losing any tomato plants, but I have begun to see damage, which is why I came on here tonight, to see if I can get any feedback.

I know I lost 2 watermelon plants,and a few green bean plants, These I noticed right away. Now, I'm seeing more things going to pot,( lol David, no pun intended) But, my cucumbers are getting spots on the leaves, than turning brown, and getting a crunchy feeling to them. I'm also seeing damage to a few squash plants doing the wilt of leave's, and some small fruits getting mushy on the end where the flower was, My other problem is on my pepper plants, they're still very small but something is eating hole's in them, and when I look for a bug, or worm, can't see nothing. I think they're hiding from me. My sweet corn too, I did have cat damage to some of the corn, now I only see destruction, and no worms, thanks to neem oil. I'm wondering if the corn will keep growing, even though some of the male part has been eaten away. I'm not sure about my descriptions here of the damage, I'm trying to do my best, but my picture's will give you a good idea to what I'm asking. Also, I have 1 more question, when your looking at where we dug trenches to allow the water to escape from my other garden, where it's mostly corn, squash, watermelon and cantaloups! How can I keep this from happening again? I need idea's. I can keep digging trenches, but I don't want to do that. I want to make something personal, to keep the water flowing. Mt DH said we should keep the pvc where it's at, just wrap some screen around it to keep it from getting clogged up with sediment, and other debris. I don't think it'll work! The tree roots are in the way, not letting the water flow.

BTW: Plant Thang, I have DE on my shopping list, I didn't forget what you told me about your DW using it faithfully, I just used up what I had, hoping I didn't need to invest more money into this garden. This was meant for us to save money and knowing what chemicals we were putting into our mouths!, By knowing what were eating and wanting to stay healthy, this was the best plan for us. But it seems there is a lot I need to learn yet, before it pays out! But I don't give up easily! I want this to work so I can teach my grandchildren. I feel in the future they'll need this experience more than they'll need their never ending video games. You can't eat "points", or "highest score" lol. That's all they know!! I want my grand babies to know how to garden!!!! To provide themselves with a good and safe chemical free food supply! ( I am a prepper, in my own way !)

Ok, now for the picture's! I need feed back folks!!! And thanks.