Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for Novices and Addicts - August 2013, 4 by bromishy

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Photo of Bromeliads for Novices and Addicts - August 2013
bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

Sorry it’s been so long but we still have family over and have been away a lot showing them around and we took some time off to spend some quality time with them which has been really nice as Joe had not seen his sister for 13 years so they have a lot of catching up to do, although they always talk on the phone it is not the same as been face to face in conversation so I have been very happy for them getting this wonderful opportunity to spend time together and having all these wonderful new memories to remember and talk about for the rest of their lives.

Hope everyone is well, apologies in advance but at the moment I do not have the time to catch up on all the missed threads but will look at doing so when things quieten down a bit and life returns back to some sort of normal routine.

I am back to work tomorrow so not overly thrilled about that he he but did get a little brom time over the holidays which was great. I have taken some fresh pics of my new broms (finally) which I will attach below. Thank goodness broms are ever so hardy as I really have neglected them these past couple of weeks but they are going great, seeds are germinating, Nev’s seedlings are growing, and all my broms are growing and pupping well. Joe’s orchids are also growing well and flowering beautifully and our house has been filled with orchids and broms the past couple of weeks as we like to display them around the place as we luv to inject as much colour around the place so we can enjoy seeing them indoors when we are on holidays.

The weather has been beautiful here and Joe’s sister has really been enjoying the warmth and sunshine. They have also been swimming which Joe and I have been too chicken to do as it is still too cold for us but our Jack Russell “Lucy” has been really enjoying joining them for a paddle every day on her boogie-board.

I just realised that there are not that many threads to catch-up on, where is everyone? Looks like I am not the only one that has been AWOL. I think it is just a busy time of year right now for everyone? I just realised that Jen has started a new thread so I do have loads of catching up to do and there are many theads to catch-up on LOL.

Hi Nev have you got Neo’ ‘Cliff Siverd’ yet as I have just taken off a nice sized pup off mine and your name was the first one on the “Cliff Siverd Want List” of people waiting for a pup.

Oh Nev I cracked up laughing when I read the story you told about hiding out under the house with your friend to avoid getting the belt, it’s amazing how creative our minds think at that age and where we look to hide.
Hi Jean thanks yes my mum is really enjoying growing broms in VIC and is looking at coming up to see me in September so I can teach her some more about them and send her home with more to add to her collection.

Hi Tash sound like you have been busy buying beautiful broms, can’t wait to see pics.

Hi Cody I hope you and Alex are well. Also hope your Guz’ and pups are doing well (just saw pics of them, they look great). What does a “Chicken Snake” look like? Cody I luved the pics of the snow at your place from 4 years ago; how beautiful.

Hi Shirley sounds like you have been getting quality time with your broms since you got back, hope the weather has been behaving itself.

Hi Ian sounds like you have your brom areas looking neat, tidy and organised, what a great feeling that must be for you and nice for you to come home and feel like you have everything under control so you can enjoy doing all those other things you have wanted to do that were lower on the list.

Hi Sue sounds like you too have been busy in the garden catching up on chores and great to hear you are looking at setting up for another plant sale soon. I just saw the amazing garden pics you posted, so lovely and organised, what a fantastic job you have done.

Hi Jen thanks for starting new thread for August, beautiful pics you used, so full of wonderful colour.

Hi Bree, hope your well, how are all you broms and orchids doing?

Hi Dalfyre hope your well!

Anyway sincere apologies if I have missed anyone as I have totally lost the plot trying to read all the wonderful threads and looking at all the wonderful pics.

I better head off as time to start dinner. I will try to thread during the week but we still have our family over so I don’t want to be rude being on the computer too long and I don’t know how to type a short thread.

Hi to anyone else looking in or on the sick list.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 – Vriesea – Jacks Angel ‘Dark Lord’ (side on)
Pic 2 – Vriesea – Jacks Angel ‘Dark Lord’ (face)
Pic 3 – Vriesea – ‘Simpson Desert’
Pic 4 – Neo’ ‘Hot August Night’
Pic 5 – Neo’ ‘Mauve Star’