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Perennials: What new plants have you just put in the ground?, 4 by DonnaMack

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Image Copyright DonnaMack

In reply to: What new plants have you just put in the ground?

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Photo of What new plants have you just put in the ground?
DonnaMack wrote:
Carol, your thread from a couple of days ago sound like we are looking over each other's shoulders. I got my Brent and Becky and Old House Garden daffodils in, as well as chionodoxa (white for under the crabapple, pink for over the daffs) and my "protector daffs" (WP Milner) are near the White Trumphinators and the turkestanicas. By the way, the OHG daffs were all huge double noses. They are the biggest I have ever seen.

And I put my Santa Rosas in - 3 alchemilla mollis and one miscanthus giganteous. They were small and I was contemplating waiting until spring - but it was 80 yesterday!

A dear DGer gave me at least 50 geranium Bevan's Variety and geranium robertianum. I have a wonderful shady walkway and most of them went there. The previous owner had mostly wild violets and they are OK, but this is better.

I love my peony foliage. It's tough to make myself cut them back.

My anemones won't quit. They have a ton of secondary buds and have been blooming for weeks.

The robertianums and Bevan's variety look lovely amongst the fallen leaves.

And the salvia turkestanica refuses to stop blooming although I keep cutting it back.

I marvel at your projects, Carol and Warrier. They just seem very taxing. Yes, I can do things in pieces but those pieces sound very heavy!

One nice thing is that several of my new roses are putting out lovely little flowers.
I had a bunch of small bulbs from previous years - daff offsets, for example, that are not mature size. Ornigothalem nutans. And decided to put them under my raspberry bushes.