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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: LOOKING FOR SPRING..... BROMELIADS 2015, 4 by splinter1804

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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splinter1804 wrote:
Hi wherever you all are.

Just a bit more on the pictures in the flyers; as well as Jean, Teresa, Trish and myself, thirteen out of sixteen other people I asked all liked that No.1 flyer the best. It just goes to show that species still have something to offer and remain to be of interest.

Nothing much to report today except that the cold damage continues and I'm now wondering if this is a sign of future things to come with the changing weather patterns. It seems that someone got something wrong though as it doesn't seem to be a sign of "Global Warming" to me, more like Global Freezing, maybe the start of another "Ice Age"!

Trish - I'll be interested to see how your water feature turns out. That's another thing I was always going to build (but never got around to it). I always thought how relaxing the sound of running water is and at one stage thought about building one in the porch outside our bedroom window so we could go to sleep to the sound of trickling water.

Regarding 'Galactic Warrior', it's always been one of my favourites as well. I read where in America it grows to over two feet in diameter but the ones down here are rarely over one foot across. The article also said they were gross feeders which could account for the large size, either that or maybe it is a larger clone.

I was always going to pot one up and over feed it to see what would happen, but then thought that the extra food would probably rob it of colour so I never went through with it. I did notice the other day though that my plant has three nice big pups on it so when the weather warms up a bit I'll take them off and pot them up and treat two normally and over feed the third so I can compare the result. I could try the same experiment with 'Ralph Davis' also as I have quite a few pups on them that have to be taken off.

There's also good news on the seed front, as all of the seed I planted is showing tiny new growth which proves it's fertile, and as that's the same fresh seed I sent you, your results should even be quicker up there in a warmer climate, although your Mum's will be slower down there in colder Victoria.

I'll post a few pic's of species today and just for a change, see if you can identify them.

All the best, Nev.