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Hybridizers: It can be fun to breed your own zinnias - Part 5, 3 by Zen_Man

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Photo of It can be fun to breed your own zinnias - Part 5
Zen_Man wrote:
Hi pmmGarak,

I like zinnias because they are fast to show you results. I considered calendulas but they didn't have enough color range for me. Zinnias have all colors but blue. I am guessing that your location is not favorable for hot weather plants. And Nigella damascene prefer cool weather, so they would be suitable for your climate. They don't have any yellows, oranges, or scarlets and their reds are a bit weak. But they have a similar color range to Bachelor's Buttons, which are also an annual. Do lupines grow well in your area? They have a rather complete color range.

I have second generation seedlings from my current indoor zinnia project. Many of them are hybrids between hybrids, so I may get some unusual results.