Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: What are your methods for following color with color?, 3 by Pfg

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Photo of What are your methods for following color with color?
Pfg wrote:
I'm interested in this too, but for me it's a little premature. I'm just now getting the big stuff organized after years of clearing, propagating and dividing what I have to get volume and diversity. Finally I have enough plant material to make cohesive effects, after years of one-of-this and one-of -that.

Right now, I'm working on a long stretch of iris, daylilies and peonies to bloom in succession with some sense of color design, above and behind a long perennial border. Although I have a few vignettes that work, constant bloom is still elusive in many areas.

I'm adding various combinations of blue, purple and white TBI's to bloom with the Siberians and the Caradonna Salvia. As they fade, the peonies take over, soon the foxgloves kick in. Eventually the front bed gets going, Phlox, Saponaria, Echinacea etc. The red Monarda is in front of the Siberian Iris, behind the peonies in the upper bed. Once that goes, there's very little back there besides a couple of Liatris and a Daylily or two. I'm adding several late DL's there now.

Pic 4 is the long view. The section in the other pics is the far end of the left border, from the big round box shrub to the end. You can see why I need to pay attention to the big picture, lol, and that this section needed help.

But I work on the subtleties too. I have a bunch of compatible purples, many of which bloomed together and/or in succession, so I'm planning to get those worked into shape next. Hopefully I'll have something to show next year! :-)