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Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 3 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Yes you would think that common sense would dictate that when one lives in a state that has 289 sunny days out of 365 solar would be a no brainer. That is until one remembers that they live in or are talking about a state that is ranked #43 in the country for education, thinks Sara Palin has something intelligent to say and still has Trump ahead in the poles by 4% for President.

So hopefully that clears up why AZ doesn\'t have solar ad well as the reasons why AZ can not figure out the answers to a lot of questions Bonzo the chimp can answer using sign language.

Sun versus snow was such an easy choice prior to living here. The longer I live here the more the scales teeter between sun vs. snow and only moderately mentally challenged people.

As for me, I follow Wise Cactus\'s advice in regards to survival in the desert.
\" Agave, you can put sugar on shit but that won\'t make it a donut. Don\'t eat donuts. A tastier alternative is to go outside, enjoy the sun, be happy and play with plants instead.\"

As for saving more money I also joined Dollar Shave Club over a year ago. Good stuff and dirt cheap. Look them up on line. I get the 3 blade razor blades and have never had a problem . Blade lasts me a full week just like my other more pricey ones did. Service is great too! They save me about $40.00 or more a month.

Now saving money on the air as ----gasp----I\'ve periodically turned it off and just opened the doors and left the ceiling fans on especially in the evening. If I do run it the indoor temp is set at 80 or 81 as opposed to 78 or 79. This little penny pinching measure wasn\'t on purpose but just because it is what is comfortable even if I had millions in the bank.

Kudos to you though for that outstanding discount on the electric bill. Good job. I don\'t care the weather or where you live that bill is always a killer. Grrrrr. Really glad you\'re getting a break on it. You guys deserve it with all you go through.

Have to admit I\'ve been enjoying our weather. Unbelievably cool for here. Low 90s with a high of 107 MAX for the whole week. That is ridiculously cool for August. Seems as though August and June flip-flopped. We also have no rain in the forecast.

Plants are enjoying it also. :D Sucking up that humidity, growing exponentially, nice and green and happy. I am pleased with them despite the few casualties from this summer.Expected it as I do every summer but that kind of goes with the desert. Kind of like when you guys lose things to frost or critters.

For the most part doing gangbusters. I have a pole cactus that is just off the hook and almost creepy with the way it grows. I don\'t know what kind of cacti candy it is on but it has been sharing it with a lot of the other plants nearby. I\'m happy they are all saying \'yes\' instead of \'no\'.

Zoe has been loving on the weather too. We\'re getting out for afternoon walks again as opposed to 6:00a.m. ones. YIPPEE because that means mommy can sleep until 7:00. now. Bliss. She and I believe we have pretty much made it over the weather hump here. Temps should be mild now in the low 100s through upper 80s from now through September. May get another freak blast but I think that would only last a few days not a week or more. I do think we are coasting into fall. YIPPEE.

Also in terms of weather we have been taking in the meteor shower. Saw the start of it last night and will catch the rest of it tonight. A real plus to living out here. Although we are very suburban there are not many bright lights, tall buildings, bill boards, etc that block out the view. Plenty of wide open expanses and the nights have been cloudless. Great viewing. Saw some amazing meteors yesterday. Just awesome. Watched from 10:00p.m. to about 12:30a.m. Dave was home about 11:45p.m. so he sat out and watched too. Tonight is the last night so I\'ll see what I can see once more.

Anyway hope you all have a great day and I\'ll talk to you soon.
Peace. Out.

5/29 new growth starting on pole cacti
6/26 cacti growth
8/9 growth.
last 2 pics just some plants that have literally tripled in size in approximately 1 year to 8 months. :D