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Propagation: How to propagate Oxalis Zinfandel and Molten Lava, 3 by oxdriftgardener

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Image Copyright oxdriftgardener

In reply to: How to propagate Oxalis Zinfandel and Molten Lava

Forum: Propagation

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Photo of How to propagate Oxalis Zinfandel and Molten Lava
oxdriftgardener wrote:
Hey all you southerners! Looked outside this morning and thought it might be appropriate to give you a little visual of just what gardening in Zone 3 is like on April 6th. Sorry, the pics are a little blue because I didn\'t really wait for the sun to come up fully but I think you can get the point. In the first shot that homemade blue styrofoam box is how I manage to keep Japanese tree peonies over winter. In the second that\'s my greenhouse in the background. As you can see from the snow melted off the roof on the right side, that\'s all I\'m heating right now. In the third the little wife is just heading off to work. Good thing I didn\'t get her snow tires taken off yet as she wanted me to. In the forth one of the clothes lines is almost pulled down from the weight of the wet snow. When I first got up they all looked like that.