Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: LOOKING FOR SPRING..... BROMELIADS 2015, 3 by dalfyre

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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dalfyre wrote:
those are all lovely plants Jean, I adore roses, have done since I was a child.
I'm looking forward to mine booming again.

My second day competing was dreadful but all my own fault.
Sugar & I were terrible, we finished on 86/100.

But she didn't run off so it could have been worse.

We have 3 years before the NDOA is held in the Southern Region again.

I should look at going away to one when Central host it - I could see if Sugar's breeder has a spare bed or two...

Need to do a bit of training before spending lots of money on going away to compete.

We took Sugar for a run at the dog park today, the weather is fantastic, sunny & with a gentle breeze.
We all enjoyed out walk - Sugar found some dogs to play with along the way and did a fair bit of running around.
It was nice to get out & stretch my legs - we did a fair bit of dancing last night at the function & I knew all about it this morning!
Only had a couple of wines so no sore head to go with the sore muscles :)

On the way home we stopped at a Coffee Culture & sat outside with Sugar & had a late lunch.
I was really pleased at how well behaved Sugar was, there was another dog there when we arrived & she barely looked at him.
Later a young black lab in a Guide dog vest came in, I think he was in training as he wasn't in harness & was still being a bit puppyish wanting to say hi to Sugar & not settling.
Sugar was happy to say hi but went back under our table & lay down while we finished our lunch.

It might be nice to walk Sugar there on a Sunday for brunch.
Once Dog Club is closed for the school holidays we will have the time.

Well take care all
ps: flowering in my garden today...