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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015.. , 3 by 77sunset

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Photo of  OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015..
77sunset wrote:
Good morning.
Its a beautiful morning here. We had a little rain overnight and its so pleasant to be out enjoying the mild weather. I love Autumn because we do get so many of these type of mornings.
My broms are also enjoying a bit of cooler weather too.

Trish, like your mum, I will be moving a few plants around too. Its better to have them a bit sheltered even if they dont need much as one never knows what can happen with frost.
Its great to hear how she is loving her broms. Gardening of any type is so relaxing if you let it be.
I know some who fuss too much and the plants dont do any .
After all, there is noone to fuss over them in the
Love the pic of the "beach babes'
Your pretty noid would be a favorite here too. So bright.

Brian, I had bill Red Raven and it was a lovely red. Sadly , not one that came with me. I have a dded a pic for you. It was always such a pretty red even from a pup.
Your savage fellow there is a dykia by the look of it.
I had a few , but was not bothered with them. I left them to their own devices in the ground at the back.
Probably still there under the weeds.
I love my neo Burnsies Spiral. It has always been such a lovely brom. I just went out to look as I have never seen any color on it.
I see hints of color coming now. It must have needed to mature a bit.
I'll have to watch it and get pics as it gets more color.

Teresa, nice to see you had some welcome rain too.
I bet Miss Sugar would have played out in the rain if allowed.
Once had a labrador who hated to get wet. would not even step in water. Silly girl, most labs love water.

Nev, we are still here, come talk to us. I miss your lovely long informative posts.
Hope all is well with you.

I hear the maggies calling. One comes up and peers in the screen door to see if I am here.
take care everyone. pics are old ones from 2 years ago.

pic 1 ..bill Red Raven... for Brian.

pic 2... bill Carioca

pic 3... bill Euphemie Waterman