Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Late spring blooming trees, 2 by Weerobin

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Photo of Late spring blooming trees
Weerobin wrote:
I have a sort of styrax menagerie. A relic from my 'got to have one of everything' past.
Alas, I ran out of room, which cured that affliction. Those species which remain include:
#1. Styrax japonica. Pure florabundance. My big tree has been a reliable spectacular performer, but last year suffered a significant die-back. Looks a little better this year, but nothing like the vigor of prior years. I worry it's being shaded out, like the rest of my yard.
#2. Styrax confusus. Cute jester's hat flowers, but a shy bloomer.
#3. Styrax formosana. Slimmer flowers. Picture from a couple years ago - I fear it's another victim of the polar vortex, since it just has a single anemic shoot low on the trunk. Sigh...
#4. Styrax obassia. Flowers along a raceme. Tree is too tall, so I often forget to look for the flowers, so I really don't have good pix. But it has big bold felted (softer than Charmin!) leaves.
#5. Styrax japonica Pink Chimes. Using the term 'pink' very loosely.
I have s. wilsonii and s. hemsleyana also, but no s. americanus.
And finally I have this really cute 'yatsubusa' cultivar of s. japonica.
I'm not good enough at bonsai for it to look good, but it's extremely cute.

This message was edited May 30, 2014 4:49 AM