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Propagation: 2014 Seed Starting, Part 3, 2 by Pfg

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Photo of 2014 Seed Starting, Part 3
Pfg wrote:
We had a beautiful weekend, finally got started on garden cleanup. The plants I left outside Sunday night looked fine in the morning except the Salvia seemed a little limp. Low temp was 33.

The prediction is for a mild week. I was afraid to leave,the plants with no protection at all so I compromised. Before we left, I set up a couple of 16" x 30" grids horizontally, using bamboo stakes to prop them up, and laid frost blanket over them, weighted down with bricks. This is in knew of my raised veggie beds, in quite a lot of sun, and hopefully not too much wind. I hope that's enough!

I also separated Ceratotheca and Ammi Visagna seedlings this weekend. I was worried that I'd waited too long, they looked a little stressed when I was done, but they survived overnight and seemed perkier by the time we left.

I'm caught up for the moment, time to start more annuals :-)