Photo by Melody

Mid-Atlantic Gardening: Projects Summer 2013, 2 by Gitagal

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Photo of Projects Summer 2013
Gitagal wrote:
Brrrrr....I was freezing this AM under my nothing, summer blanket!
So unusual--different from sweating.
The thermometer by my front door read 48* at 8:30AM.

I think today's project will be to go outside and take Coleus cuttings
and plant them up. A bit early (September??) but they will be no good if
an early frost gets them. Just gonna do a couple of each of the ones I really like.... she says.....

Might be time to put up my big Bird Feeder too...don't see any birds otherwise...
Pictures of all my seeds collected so far. Pretty much done.
The big plate (dinner size) is full of bulbils from my Frans Hals Day Lilies.
MAN! Did they make a lot of seed-heads this year!!! Pic. #3

Have to finish re-potting the rest of the AV's as well... NO huge hurry on that.
Just want to get it done.

Enough projects to keep me busy for a while... Gita