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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for novices and addicts September 2013, 2 by bromishy

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Photo of Bromeliads for novices and addicts September 2013
bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

Its windy here today!!!

Hi Nev I hope you managed to get all the sale plants boxed up for the show, I am sure you have had a very exhausting day today but would have enjoyed it never the less because like all of us you are passionate about broms and the way you grow them so I am sure the show will be a big success.

Nev the ID of the brom you asked about the other day in I think it was my Pic 2 was Neo ‘Sweet Dreams’. Nev nice pics of your broms coming into flower, your pics got mixed up but never the less they are lovely, I particularly liked Ae. ‘Inky’ because it is just that little bit different.

Nev thanks we will have to try that ‘Flower of Sulphur’ when we cut off flower spikes. I have printed off the link article you kindly provided to read as well as so Joe can have a read of it when he gets home tonight.

Nev too right about increased tooth decay in kids because they drink bottled water instead of fluoride treated water in our drinking water supplies. A good majority of our friends with kids only give them bottled water but we have converted some the other way because of this and even the adults are now drinking it with them, as well as saving money for the household both dental and water bottle buying.

Nev yes early retirement has always crossed our minds as well as winning the lotto he he but it isn’t going to happen anytime soon unfortunately. Lucky that Joe and I work really good as a team and if I am busy doing bookwork after I come home from my day job he gets dinner on, feeds the dogs and might do load of washing etc. I try only to do 1hr every evening depending on how I feel but it really chews into your evening when you go to bed early to get up early every day, hence why I crave for the weekends to come along because by then we both really need time out to spend time together and with our broms/orchids.

Nev the Vriesea that lived was the one that I used both Cinnamon and Mancozeb fungicide on. The one that died was the one I just used Cinnamon only on.

Hi Tropicbreeze sorry I forgot to welcome you when I wrote to you and everyone else this morning, I was in a bit of a rush to get to work. Anyway a Big Welcome to you and hope to see you posting on this forum again, it’s a great group of friendly people here to get to know and who are more than happy to help with any questions you may have.

Hi Tash too funny who else is stabbing their broms aside from you, I must have missed that post LOL.

Tash pleased to hear you got a good laugh about the telephone throwing technique of yours with spiders. I totally laughed back at you about what you said about Geckos and your friend who visited from Canberra being petrified of them that they would fall on her when she slept. They can fall on you when you are sleeping because it happened to my friend who was up visiting from Victoria (now lives in Brisbane) and she nearly herself with fright and screamed so loud and could not understand how we don’t mind them being in the house LOL. Like you say we are totally used to them being around and the odd one or two being indoors. We have one that luv’s to live in our living room and it looks like it watches TV because it always faces that way in the same spot over a picture frame.

Tash great to read what you had to say about Cinnamon and Mancozeb as I have only had a couple of cases of rot in my Vriesea’s, usually with pups that have just come in the mail that I have only had say a week that get hit with rot. I have not experienced this with a mature Vriesea as of yet (cross my fingers).

Tash we too are experiencing strong winds and there is crap getting blown into our garden from the big paperbark trees in the wetlands behind us, aside from a few pots getting blown over. A couple of my big broms in the pool area got smashed with a large dry palm seed pod branch that fell, but it is only leaf damage so they should come back hopefully in a couple of months.

Tash nice Neo’ NOID pic you posted, I have no idea what its name is but it is gorgeous, good luck with finding out.

Hi Ian good luck with finding a cheaper alternative for your nicotine patches, I have a friend who is trying to quit so I will have to ask her how she is going about it as I am sure she was using nicotine patches and would look at all avenues to cut costs down, I just hope she has not taken up smoking again as I know she was finding it hard to quit the last time I saw her.

Hi Cody great to hear Alex is feeling much better and is back at school, hope you are on the mend too. Getting closer to the weekend which we are pleased about as a sleep in would be nice for a change instead of always rushing around. Oh I just remembered we have to Vote this weekend so it won’t be much of a sleep in for us on Saturday, maybe Sunday? Take Care.

Anyway time to put the kettle on.

Hi to anyone else looking in or on the sick list.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Pic1 to 5 – Random garden pics