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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for novices and addicts September 2013, 2 by bromishy

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Photo of Bromeliads for novices and addicts September 2013
bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

I hope all the Dads had a Fantastic Father’s Day!!!

What a busy weekend it has been for us and I am sure everyone else. Got stuck doing a fair bit of bookwork (again) but did manage to find some time to spend in the garden and with my broms but did not have any time to get started on any of the projects I want to get done around the garden and next weekend is going to be just as busy as we will have visitors over.

Hi Shirley like you I have a few flower spikes forming on my Vrieseas and the odd pup coming up on some without flower spikes which I am thrilled to bits about. Pleased to hear you liked my Vriesea ‘The Dreamtime’, it’s a real pretty one. I noticed EBay has a couple of more for sale again too. Nice pics you posted on 30/08, Pic 2 Neo’ ‘Buchaneer’ I really liked because of its nice wide leaves and pretty colour.

Hi Cody great to hear you and Alex have a long weekend together, what have you been getting up to so far?

Hi Nev thanks for the link, looks like the Neo’ NOID I suspected was ‘Gold Fever’ is exactly that as it has the exact same leaf tip and markings.

Nev he he yes you are too right that spider did get a bit of a fright with me flashing it in the face repeatedly with the flash on my camera the other night, it must have thought it was daylight because it took that many shots to get it half looking like a spider and not like a big white blob on the screen.

Hi Tash yeah some of the Vrieseas on EBay have been going for high prices but others are just not selling because prices are just too high. We were happy with our purchase of Vriesea ‘The Dreamtime’, I absolutely adore its wide leaves and its colour is great.

Tash TOO FUNNY!!! I nearly wet my pants laughing at your Huntsman story; you got it good (more than once). I also have a bathroom story where I went in to wash my hands in the bathroom, looked up at this little spider on the mirror, than saw another one on the wall, and then quite a few more on the walls and then looked up and the whole bathroom ceiling and walls were covered in baby Huntsmans. Then a thought came to all of a sudden, WHERE IS MOTHER and I turned around and there she was behind me as big as my hand. The babies were everywhere, all up the hallway into our entertainment area; there were thousands of them, anyway we had no choice but to bomb the house but we caught mum and let her go. We had no choice because there were just too many of them.

Tash WOW it’s like coring an apple that technique you use, I looked away for a second but it is so intriguing I had to take a closer look LOL.

Hi Sue great pics you posted on 31/08, luved Neo’ ‘Pinstripe’, the mini orb wall looks fantastic, you guys did such a great job, how nice does it look. Nice Python pic too!

Hi Jen sound like you have been real busy in the garden. Glad to hear your hubby had a laugh about the spider; wait till he hears Tash and my story about the Huntsmans. I was pretty impressed with the web that spider build the other night, and it was broken the next morning so it must of caught something juicy. Yeah I don’t mind spiders but prefer when they are not in our house he he.

Jean great pics of all your new broms and the shade house under construction, you have done really well.

Sue thanks heaps for the September thread which I am just about to jump into. Just saw the nice new brom you brought at the markets, very nice flower, not familiar with this one.

Hi to anyone else looking in or on the sick list.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 - Vr' 'The Daintree x White Bands'
Pic 2 to 4 - Random back gardon shots