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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for novices and Addicts - Dec 2012, 2 by bromishy

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Photo of Bromeliads for novices and Addicts - Dec 2012
bromishy wrote:
Hi All!

Wow it feels like it’s been about six months since I last posted except things appear to have gone a bit quiet, maybe everyone is busy running around getting Christmas shopping out of the way before the shops become bedlam to be around. We have not even started Christmas shopping other than the basics for the kitchen mainly (because I like to cook) and more decorations. We tend to leave things pretty much to the last minute because we only buy for a few family members as many years ago some wise family member decided we could do away with buying presents for one another and we all agreed it was a great idea, more important is a phone call to one another during the festive season whilst we are all on holidays and have a bit of extra time up our sleeves to get on the phone and catch-up properly or get together when we can.

Anyway, what have we been up to other than work, work, work? Well mainly temp shading more of the garden as we decided to prune some tree branches back that we kept hitting our head on which was the Avocado tree and now my broms aren’t as protected (go figure), so I built today a very semi sturdy sort of cover for them which should hopefully last until we can build something sturdy. I just felt way too lazy to go to Bunnings today which is not like me at all because I luv going to Bunnings (something must be wrong with me lol). Instead I just used what we had around the yard, off cuts of shade cloth, tomato stakes for support and bamboo poles placed at the front of the shade cloth ends, end result not that great but for now doing what I need it to do which is to protect my broms from the suns harsh rays so I can rest easy they will be ok for the week. I have attached a pic of work in progress and have started putting broms under this cover.

We also nearly finished putting broms in the spot I prepared in the pool area, they are all doing fine apart from a few I had to move because they were getting too much light and showing signs of loosing a bit of colour. So we mainly have sun hardy ones there now and they are going great and are colouring up nicely. Pic attached below. We have two more sails we want to put around the pool area which will mean I will be able to display more broms around the area probably in large pots planted in grouped or mixed up displays maybe.

Aside from the above the weekends nearly over already - sad face :(, I just have a few broms to pot up this arvo and want to give everything a good hand water later this arvo and that’s pretty much will be it for the day. We have a friend coming over late this arvo for a catch-up which will be nice.

The baby Kookaburra’s, 2 out of 3 have swan dived out of their nest luckily into a smaller tree below and appear to be doing well trying to fly / eat etc; which leaves 1 in the nest very unhappy indeed crying most of the day to be fed as not getting fed as often as before because mum and day are busy feeding them all but having to fly to them in all different directions. Anyway it is nice to hear and see nature so close to our back yard and I could easily watch them all day going about their business as I find it really relaxes me. Nev I really liked the picture you posted of your Kookaburra friend, how lucky are we that they grace us with their beautiful presence.

We have been going for heaps of swims during the day just to keep cool in between gardening and Lucy has a new boogie board and has also been joining us every swim, Lexi on the other hand has to be carried in like a big baby because she has a fear of the water which is a real shame, we are trying our best to train her not to be scarred but the only way she will get in is if we carry her and once she is in she relaxes as is content been held and is happy for us to let her go and swim to the edge by herself once we have given her time to settle down a bit first.

We are really looking forward to having some time off during Christmas, I have so much I want to do around the garden and I can’t wait to have time up my sleeve to get it all done, I will feel so content getting things in order around here and the nursery sorted for my broms.

I really enjoyed looking at everyone’s beautiful brom pics; so many more I have added to my want list. Hi Shirley and Sue you blew me away with your group shots of all your broms, how wonderful and healthy do they all look. Shirley you look like you could open up your own nursery with all the beautiful big healthy broms you have, how organised you are with them. Sue your newly constructed shade house is chock-a-block, I luv it. Do you have plans to build more of these around the garden, how great would it be to see an arial shot of your place, I am sure it would be amazing to see how you have it all set out. Sue would you happen to have a spare Blanchanata pup you could spare for a possible swap with the Neo Kismet you liked? This is one I have on my want list.

Sue thanks for starting new thread, I don’t know how to do this??? Hope you get rid of your Summer Flue as quick as it came, I agree with Shirley that Summer Flues are the worst.

Hi Bree really like all your new purchases, how are you going for room as some of these look like they need semi shade? Do you have any room in your Orchid Nursery for some of your broms? You will not be disappointed with Neo Cane Fire, I luv the one I have which is in flower but no signs of it pupping yet. I also want Neo Purple Cane Fire which is on my wish list. Bree the Orchid Pic I posted in November was of Temptation (part of the Roth’ family).

Hi Nev great pics of all your broms, what brom is your Pic 5 as I really like how intense the colouring is in this one, would definetly brighten up a dull corner. Glad to hear your Christmas Party went well and that you have some new people interested in growing from seed, how wonderful. What have you been up to in your garden and nursery, I would luv to see pics of both if you would not mind sharing? I can imagine your nursery would be so very organised and full of colour.

Ian you sound like you are going to have your hands full with mother to be moving in, I hope that it goes well for everyone and nice that you can all be together for Christmas.

Wendy glad to hear you and Johnny are spending quality time with Max and it’s great that Johnny took Max for a swim which he would have luved. Wendy I really liked your idea with the barbed wire in your nursery for hanging pots, it would be great in ours but I think the shade cloth is too low and we would probable injure ourselves on it lol.

Hi to everyone else who may be looking in or is on the Sick List. Until next time take care everyone, speak soon and Happy Gardening!

Time to go and pot up some of my broms, I will have to stop for a cuppa later when frend drops in.


Pic 1 Brom Garden in Pool Area (Pic taken at night)
Pic 2 Vr. Kiwi Sunset (BIG PLANT)
Pic 3 Neo NOID – Any ideas anyone????????????????????????? Its Pet Name is Neo Bubble Gum lol
Pic 4 Temp Shaded Area (looks crap but should do the job for now :)
Pic 5 Neo Aussie Dream (Tag just said Aussie D Seedling) I hope D stands for Dream?